Monday, May 10, 2010

I Want To Be Warm Again

Suck the poison from my heart because it's slowly killing me. I can no longer feel your warm touch, and I can no longer breathe. I think about falling into an ocean of you and sinking to the bottom, never to rise afain. I am already dead to you, just a distant memory you prefer not to think about. I've left such a bitter taste in your mouth and you can no longer bare the thought of me. I bleed from the ink of my pen as I pour my heart onto the page. I'm not flawless or perfect, and for that I am to blame.

I don't know how to be good enough, there is so much expectation placed upon me. My life is a fight for survival and you are my judge. Every move I make is being watched, one wrong move and it's a step closer to the edge of a cliff - sharp rocks calling my name. Gravity tries to tempt me, but I try to fight it. Energy is lacking, meanwhile I am being pushed further and further away from you. This yearning and compulsion is burning in my heart, I just want to be set free. Wake me up from my morbid dream and save me. Can I come back to your warm touch please? Because I hate it out here in the cold. You know I always have. I just want to be warm again, please.

Written by Jeska Brewster on 27/4/2010 (c)