Thursday, May 19, 2011


There were tears in her eyes and she apologised
A sense of shame was upon her face
Terrified of the things that happened at night
The cold concrete tonight was her place.
Begging for help and embarrassed to ask
Onlookers just sat there to stare
"Where's the near hospital?" she asked
Nobody answered or seemed to care.
A stranger suddenly reached out her arm
That stranger just happened to be me
"I'll take you where you need to go" I said
"I'll get you the help that you need."
Witnesses couldn't believe I'd do such a thing
Tears were swelling up in my eyes
This lady was a victim of circumstance
To not help her just didn't seem right.
On the way to the hospital, the lady opened her heart
I was told of the things she had been through
An abundance of emotion surged through my body
I wished there was more I could do.
"This is Irene, we met on the train"
I explained to the nurse what what was wrong
"Just take a seat and wait your turn"
I prayed she wouldn't be there too long.
For her pain to end is all I had wanted
Detox is what she requested
My heart was shattered by her sad story
Getting "cleaned up" is what I suggested.
After I had done all that I could
I went home and broke down to and cried
I feared for what happens when she left that hospital
To help her I hope that they tried.

Written by Jeska Brewster on 20.4.2011 (c)


  1. Mature development of narrative, Jes, your writings seem to have developed in a sense that there is more atmosphere, and underlying metaphors e.g. hospital as symbolism of broken-hearted. Nice. Keep up the writing. V

  2. I also had a glimpse into your empathetic heart. Quite beautiful.
