Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Night Sky

I look up at the stars but my attention is drawn towards the crescent moon

The sky has been ignited with this wonderful brilliance, one that can never be captured or owned.

I envy the night sky, for its beauty is sacred to the universe

Nothing dare try to steal it away.

A mystery was revealed that night, as a shooting star flew across the sky

Creating curiosity as to whether wishes really do come true.

I wish upon one anyway, just in case

Not a selfish wish but one for some other, someone who I know needs it more.

Oh gorgeous night sky, I am glad you are there for me to look up to and dream amongst

You have taken me to my own world, where I feel I can be free.

Off to dream sweet now, flying on a magic carpet amongst the stars

Being at one with the universe, just like you are, night sky.

Written by Jeska Brewster on 17.2.2010 (c)

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