Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Apex Prey

An eagle grabbed me with his sharp claws
Beady, hungry eyes.
He pounced on me when I least expected it
Stinging claw wounds.
Wings stretched wide as we flew through the sky
Scary, windy heights.
Adrenaline consumed me as he flew me to his nest
Sharp, spiky sticks.
I was a fresh piece of meat
Tasty, fleshy treat.
Curled up into a ball trembling with fear
Vulnerable human being.
The eagle flew away and left me there
He would return.
Wondering which part of me he would consume first
Perhaps my heart?
Swooping eagle returns to taunt me
I'm his prey.
Eagle pecks at my eyes so I cannot see
Sore, bleeding eyes.
My body is paralysed with pain
Unable to move.
I do not fight because it's easier that way
He's too strong.
An eagle has feasted on my weak body
Apex predator wins.

Written by Jeska Brewster on 14.12.2010 (c)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, must say Jes, I was expecting another lovey dovey piece of written work, but to my surprise, you did well. An interesting concept you dealt with. Also, I've set up a poetry discussion group in Facebook called 'Facebook Poets', would love to have you on board sharing some of your thoughts and the like. More interesting poems like these please! Vuong.
